Monday, May 23, 2011

Some of the birds

One of the great things about Monhegan is that the poor little birds have been blown off-course and they are very tired and hungry. Some of the tiny warblers even hop around on the beach. Here is the Yellow Warbler.
When we turned over a clump of seaweed, little critters would be revealed and the birds would come right over to eat them up. Here is Micky talking to a Black-throated Blue Warbler.
This is not a bird. It is one of the many very interesting mushrooms growing on a tree. Actual size=large.
This stone wall with the bright yellow lichen is at the beach. Look for the Black-throated Green warbler.
I was watching a Black and White warbler picking up the bugs from the seaweed when it decided to hop up onto my hands for a few seconds. My most intimate birding experience.
Here is a good look at a Black-throated Blue. He is just below my feet.

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