Monday, May 23, 2011

The kiss

The kiss

Sharing meals in the common room of the inn was a highlight of each day.  This is a simple breakfast but dinners were excellent. Julie is praying for Good Birds.

Some of the birds

One of the great things about Monhegan is that the poor little birds have been blown off-course and they are very tired and hungry. Some of the tiny warblers even hop around on the beach. Here is the Yellow Warbler.
When we turned over a clump of seaweed, little critters would be revealed and the birds would come right over to eat them up. Here is Micky talking to a Black-throated Blue Warbler.
This is not a bird. It is one of the many very interesting mushrooms growing on a tree. Actual size=large.
This stone wall with the bright yellow lichen is at the beach. Look for the Black-throated Green warbler.
I was watching a Black and White warbler picking up the bugs from the seaweed when it decided to hop up onto my hands for a few seconds. My most intimate birding experience.
Here is a good look at a Black-throated Blue. He is just below my feet.